The Cheerful Heart Warrior

Dario Omar Casonato
Hi, My name is Dario Omar Casonato, 3 years 10 mo. I am a hero for my mom and dad as I have survived two times open heart surgery and countless times of other medical intervention.

I got microdeletion on my chromosome 22 and it costs me a lot : My heart is born impaired (Tetralogy of Fallot, Pulmonary Atresia, Mapcas, VSD, Lusoria), my lungs don't work as other kids', I have to live the rest of my life with only one kidney (renal hypoplasia), and other defects.. but you know what, I am a super happy kid.

As a 22qtie, I face lots of difficulties but mom and dad are always supportive and proud of me. I hope you can support me too by reading stories shared by mom on this website.

Thank you..

Updated 27/11/2018

Tanti Baci
Dario Omar Casonato


  1. Assalamualaikum, jika saya baca dengan betul, beza umur anak kita hanya 4 hari, namun memiliki CHD yang sama. Saya doakan Dario sihat dan selamat. Selamat hari raya dari Malaysia.

  2. Alaykumsalam.. terimakasih sudah berkunjung, Semoga anak abang juga sehat selalu, kita mesti semangat :D
